Vocabulario oraciones y significados
1. An arm and a leg -significado : Cost a fortune or be very expensive. Imagen : - Oración : Buying that luxury car would cost me an arm and a leg, so I opted for a cheaper option. 2. Split - significado : Divide or separate. - oración Let's divide the task into equal parts to finish the project faster. 3. Put yourself in someone's shoes: - significado: Empathize or try to understand another person's perspective. - Imagen - oración : Before judging his decision, try to put yourself in his place and consider the challenges he faced. 4. A drop in the bucket: - significado : A very small amount compared to what is necessary. - Imagen - oración The donation we received was appreciated, but it is just a drop in the bucket compared to what we need for the community center. 5. I couldn't face...